What a beautiful day today! It was sooo great to feel the warm sun on my face after church while I played with Izzy in the yard. Matt is working on filling in the bare spots with the dirt that was dug up for our fence posts so I ducked inside hoping he wouldn't tell me to grab the other shovel. I am currently blasting Bon Jovi on my record player and enjoying the sun beaming through the windows. Maybe spring is here to stay this time. I'm not going to put away my winter coats just yet, but a girl can dream, right?
Matt's family came and stayed with us this weekend and as always it was a joy. They took us out to Jim Gould's, one of Matt and I's favorite local eateries. Since we were celebrating Matty's birthday our waitress gave him some yummy chocolate covered strawberries (which I got to enjoy).

As usual, I have been working on some crafts. I saw some adorable felt headbands on Etsy not too long ago so I decide to try my hand at working with felt myself. I made this little onsie for my nephew Keagan for St. Patrick's day using 3 different colors of felt. I wish I could see him in it. (I hope it fits him, I hear he is quite the chunky monkey).

Another little home improvement project I have been working on is my fabric cork board wall. I just painted a bunch of thrift store frames white and hot glued cork board to cardboard. I then covered them with some of my favorite fabric remnants and voila I have some very functional wall art.

I have been needing somewhere to store my records for a very long time so when I came across this buffet on one my thrifting excursions I couldn't resist it. I love to "restore" things and besides all it needed was was a little tlc (something I was more than happy to give it). I can't believe I got Matt to agree to the green color but I think he liked it in the end. At least now most of my records have a home and I can leave my new record player out all the time!!
Here's the before...

And here's the after...

I need to come shop at your thrift stores! I have never seen a cute, well taken care of, nice piece of furniture! Or maybe I just dont know where to look or how to shop :) All your things are very cute. I cant wait until I have some more free time to attempt being crafty!
Shannon- the color is AWESOME!!! I love it! I'm hoping to find a coffee table soon.
hey, I remember that buffet...
By the way- what is the fixed lens you use all the time?
I'm looking at the new Nikon 35 1.8 coming out. Just curious. there's a 50 1.4 but the one for my camera is about 300 more than the 1.8
Love love love it all - my only question...how in the world do you have time to do all of these things?!?! I'm jealous - of either your amount of free time or your discipline to be productive in the little time you have...!
Shannon, YOU ARE AMAZING!!! You motivate me to do more things at my house!! Wow!
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