I have always sworn that the designers at Vera Bradley are geniuses but I am soooo pumped that they have recently come out with rugs! Maybe someday I will get to buy this rug... which I ADORE (not digging the couch so much)!However, I am terribly upset that Vera is retiring my favorite pattern, Medallion. Hopefully I can get some at a discount at the outlet sale coming up (So glad my birthday falls at the end of April!:)
Some other Fave Patterns: Cambridge and Kensington
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Love it....
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 11:46 AM 2 comments
Labels: Finders Keepers, house
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Suddenly Last Summer
Yesterday was one of those rotten, good for nothing, bad days...
1. Matt and I had vowed to go running yesterday morning before work. However, around 4:00 a.m. I woke up with the chills and a stomach ache... BLAH (no running!). Ordinarily I would take the morning off but we had a User Testing Session at work which I play a huge role in. So, I drug myself to work (with a fever) and prepared for the session.
2. While at work that morning (wearing my favorite Marc Jacobs boots) I went to show a fellow employee something I had done. However on my way to her cubicle, I put weight on my right heal and whoah......... either my foot went right through the floor or MY HEAL BROKE!!!! Good thing it was lunch time... I limped out to my car and drove home and changed my boots (now I have to get my darn boot repaired and I am sending a letter to Marc Jacobs... telling him exactly how I feel).
3. I slept through my lunch hour and I went back to work hungry and groggy and the UTS, which didn't go bad, could have gone better.
Since the UTS got over early I did get to go home a little early and my darling husband offered to get me some soup from Panera & I got to watch an old movie with a young Elizabeth Taylor and an old Catherine Hepburn called Suddenly Last Summer.
Anyway today I woke up and felt FABULOUS!:)
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 9:16 AM 4 comments
Labels: updates
Monday, March 24, 2008
First Sewing Project Complete! (Almost)
Since Matt and I are moving into the new house very soon, I am getting a head start on all of my various sewing projects that I have planned. I am wanting to make all of the curtains to (a.) save money and (b.) use the creative side of my brain since I don't get to much at work. This is my very first project that I have completed all on my own from start to finish (I might have called my mom once or twice...). This table is my folding table that I keep in my laundry room. My mom built it for me out of a remnant counter top when I was in college. Instead of throwing it away I decided to spruce it up with a skirt. Of course I had to pick out the boldest fabric in the store. My sisters would think it is tacky and it probably is, but hey as Matty says... "It's a Laundry Room."
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 7:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: Photographs, Sewing, updates
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Easter Bunny has Brown Eyes
Easter Weekend Recap
This year the Easter Bunny came early, at least for Matty. Because Matt and I headed to Pleasant Plains for the Easter holiday I gave Matt his Easter basket a wee bit early. I found some great glass containers at an antique shop and filled them with his favorite treats.

Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 7:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: Family, Photographs, updates
Monday, March 17, 2008
Updates, Updates!!
Although I promised photos from the Shane & Shane and Bethany Dillon concert, my card-reader needs to be replaced. (Hopefully photos to come soon!) However, as we thought it would be the music and preaching were fabulous! Lilly and I had a fantastic time!
We also got to hang out with Matt's folks this weekend. We always have fun spending time with them and walking their dog, Snickers. For being a beastly dog she is deathly afraid of my camera; every time I get it out she cowers under the stairs and refuses to come out. I hope that her and our soon-to-be puppy get along. She weighs over one hundred pounds... she could probably eat a puppy in one bite.
My wonderful Mother-in-Law also surprised me with her old sewing machine (it's a beaut!)!! I am pretty pumped because I ordinarily use my mothers, which is still being used quite frequently and is an hour and a half away! I plan on making all kinds of curtains and pillows for the new house! Hopefully it will cut down on cost and keep me out of a creative rut.Speaking of the house, Matt and I stopped by it this weekend and did some measuring. It made us really excited to think in a little less than 60 days we will be settling in... It also made us realize there are still a lot of things we need to purchase, like a mail box, shower curtain rods, blinds, rugs, the list goes on and on!!
This week I also started an online class... back to school back to school... ahhh!!! I thought I was totally done since graduating with my bachelors in May but I realized that I could just take one class at a time and in a couple of years have my masters... (especially since I get to go for FREE!!!) Not sure if I will stick out or not~ Wish me luck!
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 11:20 AM 3 comments
Labels: house, Photographs, updates
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Big Week!
The month of March is most definitely a full one. I have had tons to do with work including two User Testing Sessions and a UAG in both Champaign and Chicago (which probably means nothing to most of you but means a LOT of work for the Front End team). In fact I am in Chicago now... while I enjoy the job and the shopping, I miss my Matty... and it spawns a very busy week.
This week has brought more than just work however! Matt and I are officially home owners! We actually have a signed contract from the builder! (Because the house is new... we had to go through a few more procedures than usual, which took a little longer than we thought) We are still stuck in our lease for now so a closing date is set for May. I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve! Although I much prefer the older/ more character houses we don't plan on being here for too long so I conceded to Matty on this one! I can't wait to start picking out the new decor and get a puppy!:) Matt is more excited about the yard (it is pretty nonexistent right now... but it is well within his landscaping abilities!) So keep us in your prayers... it is a pretty big step!
Shane & Shane and Bethany Dillon
After spending the second half of the week in Chicago, Matt and I are making the trip down south to spend time with his family AND for me to meet up with Lesley and go and see Shane & Shane and Bethany Dillon in concert (Bethany is actually engaged to one of the Shanes!)! We have 2nd row tickets!!! We are totally pumped (Lesley got me hooked on Bethany long ago... now we can both play some of her stuff on the guitar; Les is much better than myself). Hopefully I will have some pictures to post after this weekend!
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 12:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Excited to Spring Forward
When the damp days of spring pop up every year and the aroma of de-thawing earth collides with my senses, my stomach becomes a knot in fearful anticipation. As a kid I always associated spring with storms, tornadoes to be more specific. If you know me personally you will know that much of my childhood was spent staring into the sky and fearing the smallest of clouds. As I got older my tornado-phobia subsided but as a participant in track and field since early middle school I soon associated the sounds and smells of spring with long wet runs and sore muscles. However this year I am very much looking forward to the oncoming spring. As much as I hate them, I look forward to those anxious butterflies when stepping outside those first few days of warm weather.
This upcoming Monday, Matt and I are putting in an offer on an actual HOUSE! I can’t lie, this is another reason
why I want spring to come quicker. I will post some pictures but we shouldn't get too excited quite yet I don’t want to jinx us!
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:20 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hawiian Pineapple
Last week, while the people of the Midwest were being hammered with snow and ice, my parents were stretched out on a beach somewhere in Hawaii enjoying the sun and the sand. All jealousy aside they brought Matt and I back some awesome gifts that made me yearn for warm weather, including a Hawaiian pineapple. YUM!
Matt and I had never cut up a pineapple before so I turned to this video for help. It was extremely helpful. Although we made a huge mess the end result was fantastic... FRESH Hawaiian pineapple for the rest of the week! :)
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:59 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A Very Productive Start to Spring??
Music Stand Re-doMatt and I bought this cute little antique music stand when we first got married. We both really loved it. However, the blue paint wasn't really working for us so I got out the ole sand paper and paint and took matters into my own hands.
I think it looks much better this way. All this cute little cabinet needed was some lovin' and some new hardware( I got some cute antique-looking glass knobs from Lowes to replace the old fashioned old ones)!
Dessert and Cranium
On Friday night we hung out with the Woodrums. We played Cranium and had some awesome dessert! (Amy and I were victorious of course!) Looking forward to seeing you both real soon!! You can find some pictures on Amy's Blog.
Happy Birthday Matty!!!
Matt swears that every year on his birthday (March 5th) it's so warm outside he can wear shorts! We were discussing this the other night and he expressed his despair as being an attorney, he will have to wear pants to work... pour guy. I guess that's the plight of getting older and getting real jobs! I am hoping the weather holds up, maybe he will get to wear shorts when he gets home from work.
On Saturday we had both families up for the day for a down right birthday celebration. I think his favorite gift by far was the Tiger Woods Golf game for the Wii (thanks Pat and Josh!). Thanks to everyone who came and squeezed into our tiny apartment. We really enjoyed seeing everyone!
Here are some pictures from the party!
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Labels: Family, Photographs, updates