Written by Shannon Leigh
Well I am officially out of the 20s and into the 30s (weeks that is) and boy does that feel good. I can't decide if that is a really LONG time or if that is a really SHORT time. I change my mind about it every other minute. Knowing all that I have to get done before the baby arrives makes me panic a little. The nice thing is (and the thing I'm trying to remember) is that the baby doesn't care if her room isn't ready and things aren't in order so maybe I shouldn't either. I'm running out of free weekends in the next 10 weeks so the chances I get everything finished before Peanut comes is unlikely.
Originally my contract with the University was up on December 31st which meant that I would be staying home for 8 weeks before the baby came. I knew 8 weeks was a long time but I was kind of looking forward to the break. Anyway, they decided to extend me all the way to my due date. I was pretty excited since that was 2 extra months of paychecks that we weren't counting on. It enabled us to buy a new car since mine was... janky. At this point though I really wish I had a few weeks off before the baby's arrival. Sitting at a desk for an extra 8 weeks doesn't sound too appealing to me. Bleh. Oh well, I am very grateful and thankful since we now have a safe vehicle to tote around Peanut.

Anyway, last week was week 29. Peanut weighed approximately 2 3/4 pounds and was over 15 inches long. She's getting pretty hefty these days and I can't imagine that she could gain 4 or 5 more pounds in the next 10 weeks. Oh my aching belly. They say she could be having dreams in the womb at this point which would explain the periodic kicks to the ribs. My doctor said she was head down at the last appointment which is good but could change.
After PAINSTAKING research, we finally ordered and received a bunch of cloth diapers this week. Hopefully it's enough to get started. We aren't really concerned about trying them out the first few weeks but after about a month I would like to be mostly cloth diapering. A decent goal but we'll see. I am now on the search for detergent/water combinations that will work in our high efficiency washer. I will let you know what I find...
1/4 of the pregnancy left to go...
There is a new store in Charleston called Baby's Market. they specialize in cloth diapers and nursing supplies and other cool baby stuff.... it's downtown if you are ever there. Worth the hour drive.
I like that you said janky. Hahaha
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