Written by Shannon Leigh
So Peanut and I have officially made it through the 2nd trimester and hopefully it's smooth sailing from here on out.

Last week, Peanut was 2 pounds and 14 1/2 inches long! Each week she is gaining strength and if she were to be born now, her chances of survival are getting better.
Time is really flying these days and I'm still feeling good at this point. Bending over to put socks on is rather hard, but not unbearable. My ab muscles seem to complain the most. I don't think they like being stretched in such a way.
Peanut is really making herself comfortable in my belly, usually making me especially UNconfortable. She has officially found my bladder and thinks it's really fun to sucker punch it.
I personally find it rude, but at least I know she's healthy and active.

I have my 28 week appointment on Monday and I'll have appointments every 2 weeks from here on out. I can't believe we are getting this close and we still have a LOT of work to do before she makes her grand appearance. Let's hope the next 12 weeks are rather uneventful.
Check back, we'll keep you posted.

Kittttyyyy!! My favorite pictures yet :) You are beautiful!
Glad you are feeling so well!
Super cute shirt!
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