Written by Shannon Leigh

Due to the Christmas holiday, week 31 flew! I wish there was a major holiday every week for the next 8...that would really make things go fast. At least this week we have New Years to celebrate.
I am still feeling pretty good. If i'm not trying to tie my shoes or put socks on, I can even forget that I'm pregnant, although my belly is really protruding now. It really gets in the way. :)
Peanut weighed about 3.4 pounds and was about 16 inches long last week. She's rolling around like crazy and wakes me up at night. I'm hoping she'll be head down at the next appointment but I'm skeptical since I am pretty sure I can feel her head in my ribs. Hopefully I'm wrong.

We celebrated Christmas at my parents this week and Peanut got lots of sweet little gifts. My mom made her a girlie sock monkey out of Grandad's socks. I can't wait to display her in the babies room.

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