Written by Shannon Leigh
So I am finally getting around to posting photos from Max's Monster Mash (only a month after the fact).
I still haven't gone through my pictures from August (or September or October) but I figured that this monumental event took precedence.
SO as you probably know… Max turned 1! I know, I still feel like he is 3 months old too. Where on EARTH does the time go? It's cruel really. At least he is turning into an awesome little dude whom I am falling even harder for as the months go by or else I'd stomp my feet and pout about the fact that he is getting so big.
I have ALWAYS been super into Halloween and I have been searching for a reason to throw a Halloween bash for the last decade. This year I FINALLY had my excuse. I mean what better way to celebrate the birth of your second born than with spiders and eye ball cake pops? Since Maxwell is a bonified giant/monster we figured "Max's Monster Mash" was perfectly fitting for his first birthday.
Max was a chocolate chip cookie for Halloween this year and I felt like it was just right for him since he is SO very fat and he obviously loves to eat (continually).
I sent out the invitations and requested Halloween costumes for the kids. The party fell the weekend AFTER Halloween so it gave the kids just one last chance to wear their costumes! It rained on Halloween this year so the kids only wore their costumes for a few minutes before we had to duck inside. I was actually really glad that my costume slave labor was rewarded with a second wear.
In the invitations I sprinkled spider confetti. My mom said she totally freaked out when she opened it. Mission accomplished.

I had been taking a picture of Maxwell via instax every week for the past year. I displayed his pictures at the party as well. The frame of pictures hung in his room for the last year so I figured it was fitting to bring it down for the party. Plus it gave me some much needed height for the table scape.

I kept the menu fairly simple.
In fact I made all that I could ahead of time and froze it! It was seriously so simple, I have finally gotten wise in this regard. The simpler the better!
Santa Fe Soup
Wild Rice Soup
Mummy wrapped weinies
Cheese ball and crackers
Fruit tray
chocolate mint and vanilla cake balls
Chocolate spider web cake
chocolate mustache lollipops

The eye ball cake pops were pretty much the reason I threw the Monster Mash to begin with. I LOVE THEM and they were the perfect center piece. The kids loved them:)
I put them in a black cauldron with black packing paper around the bottom. The rest of the cake balls were served dipped in either vanilla candy coating or mint chocolate with an orange drizzle.
A big shout out to my sister, Brooke, for helping put them together the night before!

I made a small 2 tier smash cake for Monster Max (that is what Ruby has been calling him lately). Surprisingly he didn't go crazy on the cake but enjoyed it nonetheless.

All in all we had about 15 kids dressed up for the party. I got a shot of all of them together but I forgot to change my camera settings so it didn't turn out (leave it to the photographer…).
:*( I know somebody from the party got a shot so I will share it eventually!
We played pin the mustache on the ghost and we went bobbing for apples! I think the kids really enjoyed it and I know we did!
Thanks sooooo much to all of our family and friends who came from near and far. It really means a lot to us that Max is so well loved! We feel beyond blessed by each of you!