Thursday, March 29, 2012

That Face...

Written by Shannon Leigh

There is just something about it.  I love the way she looks in this picture.

I take lots of photos and technically speaking this image is kind of awful.
But this is how I will always see my sweet Ruby- pensive, sweet, innocent.  A brown eyed, blonde hair picture of sweetness.


{Ruby on the morning of her 2nd birthday}

The table she is sitting at is the table that my sisteres and I grew up playing at.  My mom had it made for us when we were littles, and she gave it to me a few weeks ago.
We officially got rid of Ruby's high chair (put it in storage) and now she eats most of her meals at that table.  It's been a bit of  learning process for all of us but it certainly saves my back from lifting her.

I plan on painting/sprucing it up at some point but I just need to find the time, isn't that always the case?

{Birthday donut, terrified of fire}

Speaking of her 2nd birthday...
Here are Ruby's 2 Year Stats:
27 pounds
34 inches