Written by Shannon Leigh
So you're telling me that you don't brush your teeth naked while standing on the counter?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
This is how I brush my teeth
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Men cry too
Written by Shannon Leigh
My husband doesn't generally cry.
I have seen him really cry once in my life.
He cried like a baby at our wedding (like a big fat, red face, snotty, blubbering baby).
He likes to whip that out when we argue… it's beginning to lose it's luster.
I cry during gerber commercials (don't hate, things have never been the same since being prego).
Anyway, my point is that he doesn't really cry.
Sometimes he get's quiet, sometimes he get's angry but he just doesn't cry.
I have learned to accept this and appreciate it, it's nice to have a steady man in the wake of my emotional breakdowns.
He doesn't cry... unless you count getting teary eyed at the end of most sports movies.
Like the story of Roy Hobbs in The Natural.
I mean don't get me wrong when Hobbs shatters the clock and breaks the stadium light and the sparks sprinkle down as he rounds the bases it's hard to NOT get goosebumps.
This year, for this beloved of mine, Cardinal baseball did the same thing.
Like a compilation on the radio of fans calling in with "written in the stars" in the back ground.
Like the game 6 comeback.
Like the picture of Freese throwing his helmet to the ground in glory on the stretch to home.
Like winning the world series after all odds were stacked against them.
Like this article.
"And this was God’s design — in his universe, there is more beauty when victory rises out of weakness. The morning shines brighter after a tumultuous night. The glory is greater at the end of three silent days, when the Lamb has been slain, when all hope seems lost."
We were lucky enough to get to go to game 2 this year.
Something we will surely never forget (especially my teary eyed husband).
We argued on the way because he was SO WORRIED we were going to be late and I left my coat in the wrong car twice (long story).
We were there 30 minutes early.
He spilled my hot chocolate.
It was cold.

The Cardinals lost the game.
But they came back to win the series.
They rose from weakness and conquered the game of baseball.
And my husbands eyes were teary.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Someday she won't talk to the moon
Written by Shannon Leigh
Life has been crazy.
Ruby is 19 months.
In the midst of the busiest season ever, my sweet baby turned into a little girl.
I mean I knew it was coming but I've just started looking through my October pictures and I am shocked at what I see.
She's a bonified kid, not a baby! EEK.
She talks constantly. When I picked her up from MMO yesterday morning the teacher said she talks and interacts like an adult (it's true).
Lately, we have had our bouts of SERIOUS whining which seems to be subsiding now, thank you Jesus. I am still convinced it was her teeth which are still coming in. By God's grace alone I didn't chuck her out the window (I kid, kind of).
Potty training is at a stand still.
After doing so well and being so excited about it at first she has reverted back to infancy by using her diaper as her only means of excreting (yes, I just used the word excreting).
She tells me when she's pooping and peeing but refuses to sit on the potty, oh the joys of motherhood.
We will be trying the 3 day bootcamp soon and plan to buy big girl undies in the next few weeks.
Her hair is in a ponytail or pigtails most of the time which is crazy. She looks so grown up.
She is OBSESSED with her new black boots. She says "boots on, boots on mommy!" I can't help but oblige. The only time she doesn't have them on is in bed and in the tub.
She has really started getting into "reading" books and brings me book after book after book to read to her throughout the day.
She has a thing for trains, airplanes and helicopters. She is convinced that the ceiling of Wal-mart has helicopters and tells everyone who passes "heyyichoptor up there!" We still have no idea why.
She says hi to the moon and goodbye to the sun.
She sings "Jesus Loves Me" but calls it "Bible so."
She loves to give kisses and fist bump. She insists that each of us "pound" even Izzy.
The whole toddler thing really took me offgauard I wasn't prepared but I feel like we are getting into a good rhythm (until next week when she changes again).
We are constantly shocked at all of the things she knows and can do.
But some days are long and tiring...
Someday she'll grow out of pigtails and snuggling.
Someday she'll think I'm lame and promise to never do the things that I do.
Someday she'll find comfort in someone else's arms.
Until then, I'll enjoy that talks to the moon.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 6:32 PM 1 comments