Written by Shannon Leigh

A few nights ago Matt and I had the following conversation about Ruby.
Matt- "I think I'm the love of her life. I mean I think she loves and needs you but I think she REALLY loves me."
Me- "hmmm, you think so huh?"
Matt- "Yeah, I think she has a crush on me."
Me- "Yeah I think she does, but I think you have a crush on her too."
Matt- "Yeah, I think you're right. I hope I am the kind of Dad that she wants to marry. You know, I hope she wants to marry someone like me someday."
Me- "Yeah, I have a feeling she will."
My husband is HEAD OVER HEALS in love with his little girl, especially since she says "Hi, Dada" every 30 seconds.
I mean who would have thought a 30 inch brown-eyed blonde with rolls would steal his heart?
You know, it somehow makes me love both of them even more.