Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dessert Thursday, marital bliss, Matty, Photographs
So you are probably wondering why we shaved our poor poor Izzy...
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 2:03 PM 3 comments
Labels: Dessert Thursday, marital bliss
Hey check out South Africa Week over at my photo blog.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Entertaining Angels
So I made my first pillow covering on Sunday. It was super simple and really quick. I think the whole thing cost less than 7 bucks and took less than 25 minutes. Maybe I will make a pillow covering for every holiday/season. It would give me good practice!:)
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:04 AM 4 comments
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 7:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: antiques, books, marital bliss, Matty, vintage
I don't think I was listening in third grade on the day we learned story problems.
Math is one of those subjects in school that builds on itself. If one day in third grade the sun happened to be shining so bright on the playground that you involuntarily started daydreaming about cartwheeling through the grassy meadow and incidentally missed a giant chunk of math class, you're screwed for the rest of your mathematical life. Looking back through my schooling I am thinking this happened to me quite a bit. My math knowledge seems to be missing large chunks of fundamental building blocks that I am just sure were taught in my math classes over the years.
Don't get me wrong I got A's in math (the advanced math, mind you) all through school but that was partly due to my own anal retentiveness and partly because of my brilliant at math sister Morgan and my best friend Brooke. I would basically have to relearn everything before every test. I'm great at memorizing then forgetting.
I took a whopping 1 math class in college. It was Math 108 (Contemporary Mathematics). We did do quite a few word problems, but I mostly remember learning how to figure out drivers license numbers. It was my dream class. I didn't have to use my brain once and I think I ended up with a 106 % in the class. What's not to like about success without effort?
When I decided to major in photography I thought I had finally escaped the loathsome story problem for good. But unfortunately you can't get through photography 101 without being able to convert ounces into pints and pints into gallons, and don't get me started on sensitometry, studio lighting, and aperture. I spent more time on conversions than I did on actual photography. It only got worse when I started to learn digital photography and photoshop. The story problems just got longer... If I want an image to be this big at 300 dpi, what do I need to set my PPI to?
Most of my beloved photography is problem solving. If you peer through the lens of a camera and a pole is sticking out the person's head you must come up with a another angle. If you're shadows are two dark then you bump up your f-stop. If you meter your whites and they are off the charts you'll lose detail, but if you stop down you may lose your shadows. Do you use artificial lighting? Filters? (This was much more difficult with film mind you). I am not even going to get into printing.
Then there is sewing, one of my new favorites hobbies. Talk about problem solving. I am constantly having to think and rethink the best way to do something. Try doing a bag with a lining, I just dare you. I love it and the strife is worth the brain work but why does everything I love require so much problem solving, especially when I am so bad at it?
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: Faith, funny story, marriage
There are some seriously creative people in this world. Kind of like this woman who made vintage books into wall art. I mean how seriously cool is this?! She also makes things like this... hello vintage buttons.
I suggest you visit her ETSY shop now!
Maybe it is because Valentines Day is coming, but I am feeling super crafty lately... maybe I'll be back with some crafts of my own!:)
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:29 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures, Finders Keepers, Food, Friends, Inspiration, love, marital bliss, marriage, Matty, Photographs
When Matt and I were house hunting a year ago, we had only been married for a few short months. We were apprehensive and anxious about this GINORMOUS purchase we were about to make and sought confirmation from God that it was the right time. We prayed and prayed and came to the conclusion (with a little bit of certainty) that it was indeed the right decision. I think last Sunday we got our confirmation call. We were able to host the Youth Group Superbowl Party. Our house was filled to the brim with kids... 32 of them to be exact... scattered in every single room (we have a very small house). I mean seriously, I couldn't have been more happy. I always want my house to be filled with people, laughter, and love. So what if a few milkshakes were spilled here and there, this is what life is all about. I hope God uses our house in this way for MANY years to come.
a few shots of the festivities.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Labels: Friends, youth group
Might as well take advantage of a wall of windows and a view of Michigan Ave.It's just not the same when I'm away from you.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 8:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: love, marital bliss, marriage, Matty
Well there you have it folks, according to Punxsutawney Phil we have 6 more weeks of that blistering, windy, frigid, oh so cold weather we call winter. AND you wanna know what? I am actually o.k. with that. I have decided over the last few months that if I'm going to live in the Midwest for the rest of my life that I should embrace the cold weather and not ferociously dread every passing moment of it.
I mean the only other place that I would want to live would be England (I pray often that Matt takes a job in London, partially so my children would say things "blimey" and "wellies" in a cute British accent. I would be concerned about their teeth though). The point is, it's darn cold and wet in England too, so I might as well get used to it. Since I got Cuddl Duds (the best long underwear EVER, thanks Mom) I feel like I have cold weather armor on without all the bulk.
Matt and I are going skiing this weekend in Wisconsin on Cascade Mountain. Our friends Derek and Janna are going with us. We are so excited to get away. 3 out of the 4 of us have never been before. I am hoping I like it so we can make this a yearly tradition. It would make the long winter a little more bearable. Something to look forward to in the dead of Winter.
Speaking of the dead of Winter did you know that Ground Hog day came from a European tradition called Candlemas Day. Apparently February 2nd has always been a significant day because it marks the dead of winter. On this day, the clergymen would bless candles and hand them out to the people. As an old English song went;
"If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Come, Winter, have another flight;
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Go Winter, and come not again."
History goes that the Roman legions brought the Candlemas tradition to the Germans, who constructed the idea that if the sun was out and an animal, in their case a hedgehog, cast a shadow, there would be six more weeks of winter. When the Germans came to Pennsylvania, they found groundhogs to be similar to the hedgehog used in their tradition. The groundhog was then adopted as the animal who determines the course of the winter season.
The official groundhog is named Punxsutawney Phil, who appears from his hole at Gobbler's Knole in Pennsylvania every year. The first recorded celebration of Groundhog Day, then still known as Candlemas Day, was in the year 1841 in Morgantown, PA. However, the first official Groundhog Day at Gobbler's Knole was in February of 1887.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy today and maybe we should start thanking God for the Winter weather, I 'm trying.
Posted by Shannon Leigh Anderson at 6:41 AM 2 comments
Labels: holidays